Wednesday 22 May 2013

NAME: Its scientific name is ”Tyto Alba”.

HABITAT: They live in worldwide but the like the cold and they live overcoat in the montanius area of Spain.

CHARACTERISTICS:It is an animal vertebrate namely he have internal esqueleton,33 or 35cm of lenght,80 or 95cm of wingspan,350g of weight

FAMILY GROUP:is a kind of ”estrigiforme” of the family of the titonidos namely owls.

FOOD: They it litle mouse, shrew, and hunting litle birds and insects.

REPRODUCTION:Puts 4 or 7eggs and incubating the egg 32days.

CURIOSITIES: The owls are huntings of animals harmfulfor the man.
Comversely this birds rarrely atack animals beneficialfor the agricultura.
All these advantages with its beauty have helped the owls are domesticated by man and held as skillful hunters and endearing companions

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